New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Roosevelt Island's Japanese Language Lending Library

   Roosevelt Island's Japanese Langauge Lending Library, started by Ben KallosThe lending library comes at the request of the head of the Roosevelt Island Japanese Society, who sought a Japanese-language library for those residents fluent in Japanese and as a source of cultural enrichment. The library will include novels, reference books, periodicals and more, and will be housed in the Roosevelt Island Public Library

This program will create a legitimate library as a cultural and historical resource for our Japanese residents that exists nowhere else, and support Roosevelt Island's great diversity.

“Our district is richly multicultural, and we are pleased to be able to support many different immigrant communities,” said Kallos. “This project exemplifies our   campaign’s ethos of service. We won’t until the election to start working for the people of the Upper East Side and Roosevelt Island.”

Please help us grow this initiative by buying these books for our lending libary. 


ネズミさんのチョッキISBN-978-4591004654Rat's waistcoat
おしいれの冒険ISBN-978-4494006069The Adventures of closet
どうぶつえんガイドISBN-978-4834012880What Buddha's providence guide
ぐりとぐらISBN-978-4834032147Tokura Boring
そらいろのたねISBN-978-4834000849Sky-blue seed
日本の昔話ISBN : 9784052033919Read masterpiece called - 20 episodes Japanese Mukashibanashi
グリム童話ISBN : 9784415030920Grimm's Fairy Tales
アンデルセン童話 よみきかせおはなし名作ISBN : 9784415030937Andersen's classic fairy tale story reading Kikaseru
イソップ童話 よみきかせおはなし名作ISBN : 9784415030913Classic story Kikaseru reading Aesop's Fables
くまのプ-さん ―ISBN : 9784861909832Winnie the Pooh
ぐりとぐらのあいうえおISBN : 9784834039030ABCDE of Tokura Boring
はらぺこあおむしISBN : 9784032371109The very hungry caterpillar
スプ-ンおばさんのゆかいな旅ISBN : 9784051046583Aunt amusing journey spoon
ト-マスランドへようこそ!ISBN : 9784591093016Welcome to Thomas Land!
おおきなかぶISBN : 9784834000627Large share
みんなが知りたい!「四季の行事」がわかる本 まなぶっくISBN : 9784780403190I want to know everyone! Cum Manabu this you know the "event of the four seasons"
10分で読める名作 〈1年生〉-  ( 6 年生) Read a 10-minute masterpiece <grade 1> thru <grade 6>
こどもずかん ― どうぶつ・くだもの・やさい・のりもの・くるま・むしISBN : 9784052019258Insects, vehicles, animals, fruits, vegetables, vehicles - Children Book
グレッグのだめ日記ISBN : 9784591103364Nodame Greg diary
おやすみなさいおつきさまISBN : 9784566002333 
きんぎょがにげたISBN : 9784834008999Goldfish ran away
はなさかじいさんISBN : 9784251011541Hanasakajisan
ポケモンベストウイッシュぜんこく全キャラ大図鑑ISBN : 9784092812215Encyclopedia Pokemon Best Wishes large national all characters


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