![New York Blood Center Expansion - Center East Expansion Proposal - Shadow Study of St. Catherine's Park](/sites/default/files/petition/2020-12/Blood_Center_Shadow_Study.jpg)
In November 2020, the New York Blood Center’s proposal for a 300-foot tall tower was presented to Community Board 8. The presentation, which included a shadow study of the impact of the new Blood Center project on St. Catherine's Park, is pictured above. Having seen the shadow study, I expressed my concerns at the beginning of the community board meeting and stayed to hear support, opposition, or solutions since I will have a vote at the end of the process. At the event, there were over 100 people in opposition, with only 20 or so in support. You can see the presentation at Community Board 8 for yourself.
The proposed project would replace the current Blood Center with a new 300-foot building with six stories reserved for the Blood Center, while the remaining stories would be rented to commercial life sciences tenants. I want to hear from you, so please also submit your statements in support, opposition, solutions, or written testimonies to BKallos@BenKallos.com.
In the meantime, please let me know where you stand on the Blood Center Expansion a.k.a. Center East Expansion proposal?