New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos


Meals on Wheels
Saturday meals
Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center

The Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program
Wednesday Evenings, Doors open at 6 PM, Dinner is served at 7 PM, The Church of the Epiphany, 1393 York Avenue (corner of York Avenue and East 74th Street)
The Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program serves dinner every Wednesday evening. All who are hungry are welcome. A social worker is available at the weekly dinner, starting at 7 p.m. Volunteers are needed at its 1393 York Avenue campus in two shifts each week: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Call (212) 737-2720 to schedule a day to volunteer.

Soup Kitchen Pantries Working With City Harvest’s Food Rescue Program
Church of The Epiphany - 1393 York Avenue
Jan Hus Presbyterian Church - 351 East 74th Street
Lenox Hill Senior Center - 343 East 70th Street
All Souls Church - 1157 Lexington Avenue

CHIRP: Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter’s Community Human Services Information and Referral Program
The program at Church of the Epiphany, Jan Hus Church and other sites on the Upper East Side places a human services professional at free meal programs on the Upper East Side - to connect homeless and at-risk guests with meal programs, shelter, substance use treatment, and other services.