Decide how to spend one million of your tax dollars in your neighborhood.

Vote for up to 5 projects.



1. P.S. 527 Security Cameras

323 East 91st St($300,000)

Install additional security cameras in P.S. 527

2. JREC Auditorium Renovation

317 East 67th St($750,000)

Auditorium renovation in the Julia Richman Education Complex

3. Laptops for 10 Public Schools

Districtwide ($350,000)

Purchase laptop carts for ten public schools in the council district


Parks & Recreation

4.  New Trees and Guards for Sidewalks

Districtwide ($222,000)

Plant 60 new trees with guards on sidewalks throughout district

5. R.I. Lighthouse Restoration for Public Access

900 Main St.($800,000)

Restore the Roosevelt Island lighthouse to allow for public access

6. Fund Parks Districtwide

Districtwide ($250,000)

Fund capital improvements in parks in the district

7. Lexington Houses NYCHA Playground Renovations

Lexington Avenue at East 98th Street($800,000)

Lexington Houses NYCHA Playground Renovation


Public Safety

8. East 79th Street Curb Extension

East 79th Street at York and First Ave.($300,000)

Build curb extensions to enhance pedestrian safety and visibility along the East 79th Street SBS corridor

9. NYPD Public Safety Security Cameras

Districtwide ($170,457)

Install additional NYPD camera boxes at high traffic intersections

10.NYPD Security Cameras for Parks.  

Parks Districtwide ($397,733)

Install NYPD security cameras at the entrances to 7 parks across the district

11.NYPD Mobile Command Post  

162 East 102nd Street($400,000)

Purchase small sprinter Command Post vehicle for 23rd precinct