You can read our budget allocations below or download them in Open Document Speadsheet (ODS) and Excel (XLSX):
Capital ODS / XLSX and Expense ODS / XLSX
Capital Funding
Capital ODS / XLSX
Category | Organization | Amount | Project Title | Purpose of Funds |
Speaker | Asphalt Green | $1,515,000 | Lobby Expansion & Locker Upgrades | Expansion of the AquaCenter lobby adding 1,800 square feet of additional space and upgrading the first floor locker rooms, showers, toilets and vanity areas as well as the inclusion of a family / gender neutral locker room. |
Community | Asphalt Green | $150,000 | Lobby Expansion & Locker Upgrades | Expansion of the AquaCenter lobby adding 1,800 square feet of additional space and upgrading the first floor locker rooms, showers, toilets and vanity areas as well as the inclusion of a family / gender neutral locker room. |
Community | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center | $350,000 | Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center | Improvements to ceilings, windows and roof of the senior center and after-school learning center. |
Speaker | Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | $674,000 | Fire Alarm System Upgrade | To replace and upgrade the fire alarm system, in order to provide a safe and code compliant environment for 92Y’s programs, with a state-of-the-art digital system that will comply with future code requirements. |
Community | Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | $85,000 | Fire Alarm System Upgrade | To replace and upgrade the fire alarm system, in order to provide a safe and code compliant environment for 92Y’s programs, with a state-of-the-art digital system that will comply with future code requirements. |
Education | [02M114] East Side Middle School | $300,000 | Greenroof | Funding a rooftop greenhouse. |
Education | [02M151] Yorkville Community School | $35,000 | Technology upgrades | To provide laptop carts to address the school's computing needs. |
Education | [02M158] Bayard Taylor | $35,000 | Technology upgrades | Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Improvements |
Education | [02M177] Yorkville East Middle School | $35,000 | Technology upgrades | To provide laptop carts to address the school's computing needs. |
Education | [02M183] Robert L. Stevenson | $46,000 | Technology upgrades | To provide technology integration panels to address the school's computing needs. |
Education | [02M198] Isador E. Ida Straus / [02M077] Lower Lab School | $250,000 | Cooling system | Roof mounted split system air conditioning |
Education | [02M217] Roosevelt Island School | $500,000 | STEM Green Roof for P.S./I.S. 217 | Finalize funding to build a STEM Green Roof atop P.S. /I.S. 217. Transform 6,750 square feet of unused P.S./I.S. 217 school roof into an outdoor learning hub for science, math, nutrition and the arts. |
Education | [02M290] Manhattan New School | $500,000 | Rooftop Greenhouse at P.S. 290 | Construction of a greenhouse as part of the roof project at PS290. The 800sf greenhouse will provide opportunities to enhance the school's STEAM curricula & create desperately needed play space. |
Education | [02M519] Talent Unlimited High School | $35,000 | Technology upgrades | To provide laptop carts to address the school's computing needs. |
Education | [02M527] East Side School for Social Action | $35,000 | Security upgrades | To fund security equipment, surveillance cameras and door lockdown equipment. |
Education | P.S. 77, P.S. 198, P.S. 290, P.S./I.S. 217, M. 225, Eleanor Roosevelt, Urban Academy, Vanguard, Manhattan International, and Life Sciences | $350,000 | Computer Carts for 10 Schools | 32 computers per cart for: P.S. 77, P.S. 198, P.S. 290, P.S./I.S. 217, M. 225, Eleanor Roosevelt, Urban Academy, Vanguard, Manhattan International, and Life Sciences, serving over 5000 students. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $1,200,000 | East River Esplanade Improvements | Esplanade improvements with irrigation, waterfountain, benches, planters with low stainless steel railings, replacing damaged pavers, sound barriers increase from 4 feet to 8 feet and such other work as is necessary to repair the area from 68th to 70th Streets. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $500,000 | East River Esplanade Improvements | Esplanade improvements for John Finley Walk from 81st to 84th Streets including replacing lighting as well as adding benches, planters, irrigation, and waterfountains, along with removing gates at 83rd and 84th Streets. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $450,000 | Carl Schurz Park Improvements | Fully fund full renovation of playground. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $300,000 | Ruppert Park Improvments | Beautify the park and address soil erosion by building terraces with plantings throughout, as well as removing overgrown and dead plants. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $150,000 | East River Esplanade Improvements | Install an irrigation line at East 96th Street and possibly further south along the esplanade. |
Parks | Department of Parks and Recreation | $44,000 | Tree Guards for Distrct 5 | Installation of tree guards as new trees are planted within City Council District 5 |
Speaker | Department of Parks and Recreation | $3,000,000 | East River Esplanade |
Expense Funding
Download ODS / XLSX
Category | Organization | Amount | Purpose of Funds |
Aging | Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - New York City, Inc. | $1,000 | To fund Medic Alert, a nationwide wanderers program working at the local community level. The program will provide an ID bracelet, wallet cards and other identifiers for persons with dementia who reside in Council District 5 and wander so they can be assisted quickly and returned home. Program will be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The | $15,000 | To support the lunch program which provides socialization, recreation and education as well as on-site meals, classes, trips and special events public noticed through Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | Dances Patrelle, Inc. | $5,000 | To provide 250 free tickets to the Yorkville Nutcracker for seniors at senior centers in District 5: Stanley Isaacs, Carter Burden, Lenox Hill and Roosevelt Island that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | DOROT, Inc. | $15,000 | To support the University Without Walls, Door to Door and kosher meals programs for seniors living in Council District 5. |
Aging | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund the East Side Transportation Program which provides transportation services to older adult clients in District 5. |
Aging | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the East Side Case Management Consortium, a network of social service providers on the East Side of Manhattan who have a long history of collaboration: Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, The Carter Burden Center for Aging and Search and Care. |
Aging | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund the Center at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House which serves seniors with programming ranging from literature and foreign language to belly dancing and Tai Chi, in addition to three nutritious meals on site. |
Aging | Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), Inc. | $5,000 | To fund a free community-based programming for older adults including technology-training and certification classes, workshops and special events, where laptops and internet connections (where necessary) are brought to senior centers in Council District 5 including but not limited to Stanley Isaacs, Carter Burden, Lenox Hill, and Roosevelt Island that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | Roosevelt Island Seniors Association, Inc. (RISA) | $27,000 | To fund programming for seniors at the center offering different exercise and educational classes to better enhance the lives of the senior population: Tai Chi, Zumba, Pilates, yoga, strength building, salsa, arts and crafts and computers that are publicly noticed in the monthly Council District 5 newsletter or posted publicly on the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | Search and Care, Inc. | $5,000 | To provide comprehensive fee-free care management services for vulnerable older men and women living in District 5. |
Aging | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. | $20,000 | To fund senior services in support of wellness, nutrition, and fitness activities including the cost of instructors and supplies publicly noticed in the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and the Council District 5 website. |
Aging | Vocal Ease, Inc. | $2,000 | To fund the production of at least 18 on-site cabaret-style performances for senior citizens at hospitals, nursing homes, senior centers and senior residences in Council District 5 with at least 1 months notice to the general public. |
Anti-Poverty | Bohemian Brethren Presbyterian Church, a.k.a. Jan Hus Presbyterian Church | $5,000 | To support a monthly focus group, speaker series for veterans in need of housing, government benefits and other social services and to broaden the community network of veterans that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter or on the Council District 5 website. |
Anti-Poverty | Church of the Epiphany | $5,000 | To fund food, supplies and preparation of meals for the hungry at the soup kitchen as well offer food stamp screenings that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Anti-Poverty | Council on the Environment, Inc. | $15,000 | To support GrowNYC projects and programs, including Greenmarkets and Fresh Food Box with a pick up location at the City Council District 5 office. |
Local | American-Italian Cancer Foundation | $10,000 | To support a no-cost Breast Cancer Screening Program and education services on the Mobile Care Clinic on at least 4 occassions at locations in City Council District 5, Roosevelt Island, Stanley Isaacs, Carter Burden or Lexington Housas or a Senior Center in Council District 5, and publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Amigos Del Museo Del Barrio, Inc. | $3,000 | To support the Making Connections program, artist-in-residency partnerships with schools and community organizations in Council District 5. |
Local | Asphalt Green, Inc. | $5,000 | To support Asphalt Green's Waterproofing and Recess Enhancement Programs for District 5 public schools. |
Local | Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. | $7,000 | To fund Neighborhood Grants program for skills building workshops, one-on-one project planning assistance and an equipment loan library to volunteer led groups for local neighborhood associations. |
Local | City Harvest, Inc. | $1,000 | To fund the food rescue program, collecting excess food that would otherwise go to waste and deliver it, free of charge, to a network of community food programs. |
Local | City Parks Foundation | $7,500 | To support the City Parks Seniors Fitness classes weekly in John Jay Park in City Council District 5 for fall and spring that introduce seniors to athletic activities in a supportive and social environment. Funding will also support staff, other program costs and be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | CityMeals on Wheels | $1,000 | To support operational expenses for food costs and vehicle maintenance in order to provide for meals for the homebound elderly. |
Local | Civitas Citizens, Inc. | $10,000 | To study and research contextual development, create opportunities for economic growth through neighborhood-scale retail and commercial uses on avenues and major crosstown streets and expand affordable housing opportunities. |
Local | Colonial Dames of America | $5,000 | To provide educational social studies programs based on NYS Social Studies Curriculum via field trips to students attending PS 158, PS 183, PS 217, PS 77, and PS 290 in Council District 5. |
Local | Corbin Hill Food Project, Inc. | $5,000 | To support a Community Box food program at the Lexington Houses NYCHA development. |
Local | CUNY School of Law Justice and Auxiliary Servicec Corp | $10,000 | To support legal services clinic twice a month including advice and guidance in City Council District 5 office publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Department of Parks and Recreation | $7,500 | To support a Kids In Motion playground associate for St. Catherine's Park to be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Department of Transportation | $5,000 | To promote safe bicycling with education coupled with a bell and light give away in bike lanes in Council District 5 to at least 1,000 individuals. |
Local | Department of Transportation | $5,000 | To fund a bike helmet fitting and give away program for at least 4 hours to at least 500 people in District 5. |
Local | Department of Transportation | $3,000 | To fund canvas of restaurants in Community District 8 with a focus on Council District 5 to inspect and offer a free 90-minute training for commercial cyclists in English, Spanish and Chinese (as well as additional languages that may be offered) and safety equipment for at least 125 participants including but not limited to a reflective vest, front and rear lights, and a safety bell. |
Local | Department of Transportation | $2,000 | To fund programming on the East 91st Street Play Street such as summer films or winter activities. |
Local | East 86th Street Merchants and Residents Association, Inc. | $10,000 | To fund programming including beautification services/activities that address quality of life issues, sanitation, overcrowded streets, transit services, and community outreach. |
Local | East Side School for Social Action [02M527] | $2,000 | To support academic enrichment activities. |
Local | Eleanor Roosevelt High School [02M416] | $10,000 | To fund the Model UN and Law team. |
Local | Ella Baker School [02M225] | $3,500 | To support summer enrichment activities. |
Local | Eviction Intervention Services Homelessness Prevention, Inc. | $5,000 | To provide homeless prevention services including benefits entitlement, counseling and Space Organization Resources and Tools for those confronting hoarding so extreme it risks being evicted in Council District 5. |
Local | Four Freedoms Park Conservancy, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund free Music at Sunset and Imagination Playground & the Uni Project summer series at Four Freedoms Park that is publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Fractured Atlas Productions, Inc. | $1,000 | To provide technical assistance to artists by providing education about liability and insurance policies, identifying venues and patron relationship management. |
Local | Friends of Firefighters, Inc. | $1,000 | Funding to support the Outreach Program FDNY firehouses and retirees serving Council District 5 from Engine Companies 22, 44 & 53 as well as Ladder Company 13 & 16 within Fire Battalion 10 providing information and psycho-education to access mental health and wellness services without stigma. |
Local | Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts | $16,500 | To support planning and research to educate residents of City Council District 5 about land use and zoning developments taking place in communities and to provide tools to aid in preserving the historic character of communities. |
Local | Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts | $5,000 | To maintain and expand architectural education programs taught during the school day to first through fifth grade students at public schools in Council District 5: PS 183, PS 158, PS 290, PS 151, PS 527, PS 198, PS 77, and PS 217 that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter or on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Fund for the City of New York, Inc. | $20,000 | To fund the Expansion of the Women’s Center's Self-Sufficiency Calculator - which has been used by agencies helping low wage clients access crucial work supports and tax credits that reduce expenses and lift income. |
Local | Health Advocates for Older People, Inc. | $1,000 | To fund the Healthy Aging Program which promotes maintenance of physical and mental health with a series of exercise classes, wellness programs, intellectual stimulation activities and safe environment assessments for elderly residing in Council District 5 publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Heat Seek, Inc. | $1,000 | To fund the cost of outfitting buildings in City Council District 5 with computer chips that measure indoor temperatures and report those results via the internet provides actionable data to the tenants, the city and its housing courts. |
Local | Historic Districts Council, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund monthly Land Use Clinics. These clinics will be an opportunity to educate, engage, and empower constituents with sessions at which local residents will obtain extensive information pertaining to the Zoning Law, financial incentives for historic structures, and other important topics. Publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Housing Court Answers, Inc. | $1,000 | To support residents of Council District 5 with a housing information hotline, provide educational materials for tenants on Housing Court, offer referrals to charities, legal service providers and social service organizations to people facing eviction and to fund the creation and distribution of tenant guides to Housing Court. |
Local | Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) | $1,000 | To support JASA Sundays providing educational opportunities and promote leadership and civic involvement publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Legal Aid Society | $1,000 | To support Citywide Civil Legal Services in District 5 including housing, education, tax law, health, foreclosure prevention, homeless rights, government benefits, employment, low-wage worker, immigration, family/domestic violence, law reform, consumer law, elder law, disability law, and community development work. |
Local | Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) | $1,000 | To support the production of Legal Resource Guides with the information to navigate the City’s complex Family Courts. |
Local | Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc. (LGBT Center) | $1,000 | To support the LGBT Community Crisis Intervention program which provides crisis support and information to assist LGBT individuals. Common areas of assistance are HIV/AIDS support, immigration resources, addiction recovery counseling, and housing medical assistance. |
Local | Life Sciences Secondary School [02M655] | $7,500 | To support programming that strengthens students’ conflict resolution and social skills, both in school and in the community. |
Local | Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. | $2,500 | To fund a City Council District 5 Business Guide. |
Local | Manhattan Community Board # 11 | $2,500 | To fund the Spirit of Service Festival which helps link agencies looking for volunteers with people that want to engage in community service. |
Local | Manhattan Community Board # 11 | $2,000 | To support the operational expenses associated with educating and informing the community board about urban planning and land use matters. |
Local | Manhattan Community Board # 6 | $2,500 | To support the operational expenses associated with educating and informing the community board about urban planning and land use matters. |
Local | Manhattan Community Board # 8 | $10,000 | To support the operational expenses associated with educating and informing the community board about urban planning and land use matters. |
Local | Marquis Studios, Ltd. | $2,500 | To support after-school programing at Yorkville East Middle School [02M177] |
Local | Medicare Rights Center, Inc. | $5,000 | Funding to support a Town Hall Enrollment and Outreach Day in Council District 5, educating residents on state and federal Medicare-related benefits and follow up to assist with completing applications, publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Met Council Research and Educational Fund, Inc. | $5,000 | To support a Senior Support program, which will proactively target seniors who are at risk for harassment and displacement, provide education about rights and assist with housing issues through in person trainings in City Council District 5 that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. | $5,000 | Funding to support operating expenses of the social services department including case workers and emergency services. |
Local | MFY Legal Services, Inc. | $2,500 | To provide free legal assistance — from advice to full representation — to low-income New Yorkers on housing, public benefits, disability rights, employment, consumer, foreclosure, nursing home, and family matters. |
Local | Municipal Art Society of New York | $5,000 | To help support a series of free workshops for City Council District 5 residents. To educate New Yorkers about the city's development process and the many facets of community planning that are publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Museum of Jewish Heritage | $5,000 | To fund school group visits from City Council District 5 public middle and high schools. Free admission and transportation to be offered to student groups for visits. |
Local | Museum of the City of New York | $3,000 | To support Taming the Metropolis: New York City and Zoning, 1916-2016, a special exhibition marking the centennial of the 1916 zoning resolution. |
Local | Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc. | $5,000 | To help connect homeless and at-risk people on the Upper East Side with free meal programs, shelter, substance use treatment, and other services. |
Local | New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund programs that connect low-income residents of Council District 5 to fresh produce and government nutrition benefits and to recruit volunteers and provide technical assistance to kitchens and pantries in Council District 5 to better meet the needs of clients, with public notice through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York City Housing Authority | $1,500 | To fund tenants association events for Lexington Houses publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York City Housing Authority | $1,500 | To fund tenants association events for Stanley Isaacs publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York City Housing Authority | $1,000 | To fund tenants association events for Robbins Plaza publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York City Housing Authority | $1,000 | To fund tenants association events for Holmes Towers publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York City Police Department | $1,000 | To support the Police Explorers program at the 114th Precinct serving residents of Roosevelt Island. |
Local | New York City Police Department | $2,000 | To provide support for the 19th Precinct Community Council. |
Local | New York City Police Department | $1,000 | To provide support for the 17th Precinct Community Council. |
Local | New York City Police Department | $1,000 | To provide support for the 23rd Precinct Community Council. |
Local | New York Classical Theatre, Inc. | $5,000 | To support a week of Shakespeare at Carl Schurz Park in July or August, free to the public and publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. | $10,000 | To support the Home Sharing and Respite Care Program for residents in Council District 5. |
Local | New York Legal Assistance Group, Inc. | $10,000 | To provide free civil legal services to City Council District 5 constituents on housing once a month as well as end of life planning once a month at a free legal clinic offered in the Council District 5 office. |
Local | New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information Service, Inc. | $5,000 | To expand programs for tenant education, counseling and organizing in rent regulated, Mitchell Lama and Project-Based Section 8 buildings; help individual tenants- solve problems regarding leases, overcharges and other housing issues; notify eligible tenants about the newly-expanded Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption and help them apply for this important protection; and guide tenants through complicated administrative processes. |
Local | Non-Traditional Employment for Women | $1,000 | Funding will train women residing in Council District 5 in core and advanced, specialized trainings, placing women in mid-wage positions in the skilled trades. To expand its community partnerships, Career Technical Education High Schools, and NYCHA to focus on recruiting graduating high school seniors and NYC public housing residents for a two-week Boot Camp Introductory Training Program, with the goal of offering an enhanced support network. |
Local | Office of Emergency Management | $3,000 | To provide $1,000 in funding to CERT Roosevelt Island, CERT UES and CERT Manhattan 8. |
Local | Office of Emergency Management | $3,000 | To fund an Emergency Preparedness Event with giveaway of 100 Go Bags and 100 Go Bag Kits for Emergency Preparedness Month in September and at additional events should supplies last. |
Local | Participatory Budgeting Project, Inc. | $5,000 | To provide funding for educating the residents of City Council District 5 on how to engage in registration and voting as well as Participatory Budgeting in Council District 5. |
Local | Participatory Politics Foundation | $5,000 | To improve Councilmatic, an open source tool that is available for free to all New Yorkers as an educational resource about civic data. |
Local | Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. | $1,000 | To support Teen Night at Planned Parent Hood for teen students who attend schools or resident in Council District 5. |
Local | Progressive Technology Project | $20,000 | To improve and implement CiviCRM, an open source tool that is available for free download by all New Yorkers that would facilitate improved client relationtionship management (CRM). |
Local | Public School 158M - Bayard Taylor [02M158] | $7,500 | To fund in school cultural and STEM education enrichment. |
Local | Public School 183M - Robert L. Stevenson [02M183] | $1,000 | To support staff, materials and food for the City Council district 5 public school art show at Sotheby's. |
Local | Public School 198M - Isador E. Ida Straus [02M198] | $5,000 | To support professional development for teachers. |
Local | Roosevelt Island Disabled Association | $5,000 | Funding to defray the operating costs of providing specialized bus transportation cost as well as general operating support for programming. |
Local | Roosevelt Island Historical Society | $5,000 | Funds will be used to support the visitors center, activities including programs, lectures and tours, and maintenance and dissemination of artifacts and historical documents. Support services include landscaping, consumable supplies, and utilities and telephone. |
Local | SAC Sutton Area Community, Inc. | $5,000 | To support staff and operating costs as well as the free seasonal events and Taste of Sutton publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Samaritans of New York, Inc. | $1,000 | To support suicide prevention community resource program, increase residents’ ability to access needed mental health and substance abuse services. Funds are for district resource guide, outreach campaign, site visits to schools, neighborhood centers, places of worship, etc. |
Local | Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) | $1,000 | To support the delivery of mental health care to older adults residing in Council District 5. Specific services include evaluations, psychotherapy, medication management, specialized substance abuse counseling and integrated physical and behavioral health care. |
Local | Sutton Place Parks Conservancy, Inc. | $5,000 | To help with clean up, restore and maintain all the park plant beds at East 57th Street and East 58th Street Parks. |
Local | Tank, Ltd. | $5,000 | To provide 1,000 free tickets distributed across performances at The Tank at 151 West 46th Street distributed to Council District 5 public schools, senior centers, and through the Council District 5 office to residents on a first come first served basis with all free tickets publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Upper Green Side, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund the Council District 5 Adopt-A-Planter program for Bicycle Islands along First Avenue and soon to be Second Avenue and Shred-A-Thon paper shredding events publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Urban Academy Laboratory High School [02M565] | $4,000 | To support academic enrichment activities. |
Local | Urban Justice Center | $5,000 | To provide funding for tenants’ rights education, legal assistance/advice and representation for tenants facing rent increases, eviction, and a lack of repairs. |
Local | Urban Justice Center | $2,500 | To provide legal support, training, and business development support to help vendors sustain businesses and compliance with the vending laws. |
Local | VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired | $1,000 | To provide public education on eye disease and blindness prevention to seniors, healthcare professionals and organizations. |
Local | Voices of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) | $1,000 | To conduct a series of workshops and trainings about accessing housing, rights as a tenant and assistance with finding housing as well as providing resources such as real estate lists for residents of Council District 5 publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Volunteers of Legal Service, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund the Elderly Project staff and pro bono attorneys monthly in City Council District 5 office who provide services to low-income Manhattan seniors, and to the social workers and advocates who assist them. These services include direct counseling on critical issues involving housing, government benefits, and consumer debt, and the drafting and execution of wills, powers of attorney, and other essential life-planning documents. This program will be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Local | Waterfront Alliance, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the Open Waters Initiative for citywide advocacy, planning, and public programming partnership in community groups to inform design of new publicly accessible vessel access in City Cuncil District 5. |
Local | York Theatre Company Inc. | $5,000 | To provide free tickets to senior citizens of City Council District 5 distributed through senior centers at Stanley Isaacs, Carter Burden, Lenox Hill and Roosevelt Island as well as through the Council District 5 office on a first come first served basis with public notice through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Big Apple Circus, Ltd. | $5,000 | To support Clown Care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as Circus For All, an access program designed to ensure that everyone can attend the circus, regardless of economic barriers and provides 400 no-cost tickets to public elementary and middle schools as well as youth centers in City Council District 5 for a single evening performance provided with one month's notice to the Council District 5 office and publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund mentoring support services to promote positive outcomes and youth choice, voice, and personal accountability. Funds support staff time for volunteer mentor training/screening, case management, counseling/problem-solving, referrals to meet needs (health, academic, legal assistance), workshop planning and execution. |
Youth | Carnegie Hill Neighbors, Inc. | $3,000 | To support operating costs for Carnegie Hill Neighbors, a group that advocates for improvements in the neighborhood and quality of life for residents in Carnegie Hill. |
Youth | Center For Independence of The Disabled In New York, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund a rights education project for deaf students and parents. The project will target City Council District 5 public middle and high schools and involve a series of workshops, and provide tools and materials to deaf students and parents on rights, and teach them self-advocacy skills. Workshops shall be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Chabad-Lubavitch of The Upper East Side, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the Friendship Circle that services the special needs children and families residing in Council District 5, Sunday Circle, Sports League summer and winter camp and NYC only annual Friendship Circle Walk. |
Youth | Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. | $10,000 | To fund the Scholastic Tournament Program for a Chess Tournament hosted at a school in Council District 5. The tournament will be offered free of charge to competitors and are open to all children in New York City and publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Coro New York Leadership Center | $2,000 | Funding to support Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is a nine-month, full-time, graduate-level leadership training program. This unique program is rigorous and demanding, preparing diverse, talented and committed individuals to bring about change in New York City. Placements provide Fellows with a deeper understanding of how New York City literally “works” by embedding them, over the course of the Fellowship, in a series of rigorous, short term placements across sectors. |
Youth | Dances Patrelle, Inc. | $1,500 | To provide 150 tickets to Macbeth for public middle schools and high schools in District 5: MS 114, MS 177, IS 217, Wagner, Eleanor Roosevelt, Talent Unlimited, Life Sciences, Vanguard, Manhattan International, and Urban Academy. |
Youth | Gillen Brewer School, Inc., The | $5,000 | To support a computer technology curriculum for students with learning disabilities and enhance learning through specialized software. |
Youth | Girls Who Code, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund in school programing after-school at Vanguard High School [02M449] |
Youth | Island Kids, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the Island Kids Summer Camp with costs of programming and activities such as swimming, sports, art, science, photography and field trips. |
Youth | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. | $15,000 | To support the Afterschool and Summer Camp programs for low-income children on the East Side. The Afterschool program serves children throughout the academic year with an emphasis on arts education and aquatics. The Summer Camp offers specialty camps in dance, drama, music and visual arts, as well as three nutritious daily meals. All programs must be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Main Street Theatre Dance Alliance | $5,000 | Funds will be used to provide tools and materials for sets, costumes and lighting for student productions for the 2016 season that will be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | New York Cares, Inc. | $1,000 | To support personnel for Youth Education programming, which helps disadvantaged children and teens to gain the literacy, math and test-taking skills needed to prepare for college and the workforce. |
Youth | New York Center for Children, The | $5,000 | To support counseling to help children residing in Council District 5 heal from the trauma of abuse. The funds will be used towards salary support of a social worker at The New York Center for Children who provide free weekly therapy to children. Program will be publicly noticed on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | New York City Urban Debate League, Inc. | $3,500 | To provide schools in City Council District 5 with free debate education opportunities year round including a district wide debate tournament in a school in Council District 5. |
Youth | New York Junior Tennis League | $10,000 | The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years who reside in Council District 5 during the summer, fall, winter or spring. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to all participants. Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are a regular part of the program schedule. All publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter or on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Roosevelt Island Youth Program, Inc. | $14,000 | To fund computer labs, music programs, weight training, educational programming, SAT Prep and high school prep classes, publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter or on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the Afterschool Program at the Youth and Family Services building with after-school activities and an all-day summer camp publicly noticed through the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. | $5,000 | To provide funding for Cyclopedia, a bicycling program for youth. Cyclopedia works in a 7-week summer cycling program for a series of rides that are planned out by the youth with monthly rides during the school year. In addition to promoting health and wellness, youth increase knowledge of mapping, geography, and New York City history. Children utilize technology to document and share experiences using a weekly blog format. All programs to be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund a year-round program focused on science, technology, engineering, and math learning that is experiential, project-based, and aligned with Common Core standards. This curricula will be accompanied by rigorous tutoring and seasonal fitness programs. Programs to be publicly noticed through the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. | $5,000 | To support the Youth Employment and Education Services (YES) program at New York City Public Housing (NYCHA) Developments. YES works with 17-24 year old youth with low academic skills, high social barriers, and lack of connection to work or school and provides job training in four sector-based employment pathways: Home Health Aide, Child Care, Customer Service/Hospitality, and Food Service. |
Youth | Upper Midtown Chabad Lubavitch, Inc. | $5,000 | To fund an outdoor concert and fair in Sutton Place with live music, refreshments, and activities for children, neighborhood vendors and service organizations are invited to showcase the services for the benefit of the community publicly noticed through the Council District 5 monthly newsletter and on the Council District 5 website. |
Youth | Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | $15,000 | To support after-school programs serving youth centers and public schools located within Council District 5 at the centers and schools or at the 92Y including free Concerts Schools Project at Eleanor Roosevelt High School and a free Read Aloud Series offered to all schools in Council District 5 and public noticed in the monthly Council District 5 newsletter. |
Youth | Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc. | $5,000 | Funding to support operating expenses including staff for the core after-school component of YPC’s Choral Literacy and Performance Program, as well as in YPC’s Satellite Schools Program in City Council District 5 public schools. |
Speaker Expense Funding for Projects Requested by Council Member Kallos
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Organization | Amount | Purpose of Funds |
American-Italian Cancer Foundation | $25,000 | Funds will support the provision of the free mammograms and breast exams to disadvantaged women. |
Asphalt Green | $175,000 | To provide funding support for The Waterproofing Program serving over 1,300 children/year in a free swim program during the school day, and the REP program, which transforms the recess period from an often dangerous, chaotic situation into a safe, fun and active time. |
Carter Burden Center for the Aging | $80,000 | To support and enhance 10 core programs: the Social Service Unit, Community Elder Mistreatment Abuse Prevention Program, Carter Burden Senior Program, C.V. Starr Adult Day Services, Covello Senior. Program, Volunteer Services, Case Management Unit, Making Art Work, Carter Burden Gallery. Services provided include counseling, case assistance, advocacy, information, referral, help with benefit applications, senior center programming, social model adult day, volunteer programs, arts & craft classes, access to cultural events. |
Council on the Environment | $50,000 | To provide funding support for the Greenmarket program. |
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House | $40,000 | Funding for the East Side Case Management Consortium. The East Side Case Management Consortium is a network of experienced social service providers on the East Side of Manhattan who have a long history of collaboration: Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, The Carter Burden Center for Aging and Search and Care. These organizations are long-standing service providers to the older adults in the community and experts in the field of aging. |
New York Common Pantry | $100,000 | To support food programs for the needy, including, Pantry's Choice Pantry program, Hot Meal Program, and brown bag lunches. |
New York Foundation for Senior Citizens | $60,000 | Funding will support the citywide Home Sharing and Respite Care Program. |
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information Service | $100,000 | The funding will be used to: 1) provide counseling and referrals to individual tenants with housing problems; 2) educate tenants who live in affordable housing about their rights; 3) conduct skills-building and leadership development trainings for grassroots tenant leaders; 4) help tenants who live in affordable housing organize strong and democratic tenant associations; and 5) help tenant associations carry out campaigns around issues of concern in their buildings, such as tenant harassment, poor conditions, or a threat to longterm affordability. |
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | $75,000 | Funds will continue to support programming at 92nd Street Y that is free-of-charge for the participants. The Teens Program provides free civics, leadership and community service education and opportunities to over middle and high school students. Literacy Projects, provide ESL, writing instruction, and exceptional literary presentations to immigrant New Yorkers and those seeking GEDs. |
Initiative Funding
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Source | Legal Name of Organization | Amount | Program Name | Purpose of Funds |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | American Museum of the Moving Image | 20,000.00 | [02M217] Roosevelt Island School | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Children's Museum of the Arts, Inc. | 20,000.00 | [02M158] Bayard Taylor | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Circle in the Square Theatre School, Inc. | 20,000.00 | [02M519] Talent Unlimited High School | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | National Dance Institute, Inc. | 20,000.00 | [02M183] Robert L. Stevenson | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Paper Bag Players, Inc., The | 20,000.00 | [02M198] Isador E. Ida Straus | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Waterwell Productions, Inc. | 20,000.00 | [02M114] East Side Middle School | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Wingspan Arts, Inc. | 20,000.00 | [02M290] Manhattan New School | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) | Young Men's & Young Women's Hebrew Association | 20,000.00 | [02M151] Yorkville Community School | This funding supports cultural programs and institutions that provide arts enrichment to students through after-school programs. |
Digital Inclusion and Literacy Initiative | MOUSE, Inc. | 20,000.00 | The Digital Inclusion and Literacy Initiative address disparities in access to the Internet and increase digital literacy across the City, through programming available in every Council District. | |
Healthy Aging Initiative | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inc | 11,830.00 | This initiative supports: 1) programs that promote healthy behaviors such as physical activity, smoking cessation, nutrition and infectious diseases; 2) programs that detect the onset of chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension; 3) programs such as strength training to prevent falls and other injuries through education or exercise; and 4) programs to teach older adults practical skills to manage the pain of arthritis or deal with fatigue and stress. | |
Healthy Aging Initiative | Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center | 11,830.00 | This initiative supports: 1) programs that promote healthy behaviors such as physical activity, smoking cessation, nutrition and infectious diseases; 2) programs that detect the onset of chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension; 3) programs such as strength training to prevent falls and other injuries through education or exercise; and 4) programs to teach older adults practical skills to manage the pain of arthritis or deal with fatigue and stress. | |
Healthy Aging Initiative | The Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc. | 11,830.00 | Roosevlet Island Senion Center | This initiative supports: 1) programs that promote healthy behaviors such as physical activity, smoking cessation, nutrition and infectious diseases; 2) programs that detect the onset of chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension; 3) programs such as strength training to prevent falls and other injuries through education or exercise; and 4) programs to teach older adults practical skills to manage the pain of arthritis or deal with fatigue and stress. |
Neighborhood Development Grant Initiative | Doe Fund, Inc., The | 22,000.00 | The allocation will help meet the need for neighborhood-level economic development, job creation and retention and community investment. Funds can be provided for any one of five purposes:Business Attraction & Retention, Merchant Organizing/BID Formation, District Marketing/Local Tourism Initiatives, Placemaking/Plaza/Public Space Activation/Public Art and Organizational Development/Project Management Support. | |
Support Our Seniors | Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inc | 13,334.00 | This funding will support senior services citywide. | |
Support Our Seniors | Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center | 13,333.00 | This funding will support senior services citywide. | |
Support Our Seniors | The Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc. | 13,333.00 | Roosevlet Island Senion Center | This funding will support senior services citywide. |